Funding Information

Funding Information

Selected trainees can have up to three years (pre-doctoral fellows) or up to two years (post-doctoral fellows) of consecutive funding. Applications are due in May, selection of candidates is completed in June with initiation of appointment July 1st. The training program provides stipend as per NIH scale (T32) and partial coverage of UCLA fees for graduate students.

Trainee Stipend

Pre-doc trainees receive a stipend based on the NRSA stipend scale.  Mentors are responsible for supplementing this stipend to the UCLA recommended level. PLEASE NOTE: NIH does not fully support tuition and fees and if we are unable to alternate funding for the difference in fees, faculty mentors will be responsible for covering any shortfall.

 Post-doc trainees receive a stipend amount determined by their experience and NIH stipend levels.

Important Note About Taxes: Stipends are not taxed as received, and a W2 form will not be received at the end of the year. However, the stipend must be reported on the student’s yearly tax forms. The tax instructional booklet has a section on how to report fellowship awards. Students may want to compensate for this by adjusting payroll W2 form deductions. Contact the departmental payroll office for advice.

Renewal of Traineeships

While appointments can be for multiple years, traineeships are made for one year. Renewal of the appointment in the training grant is contingent on satisfactory progress, based in part on the student and mentor annual reports.

Trainee Travel Funds

Limited travel funds are available (up to $1,400) for presentation of a paper or poster at scientific meetings. Travel funds will cover the following: registration, lodging and airfare.